If you don’t know the context behind “Again”, check below first. I have (once again), risen above the ranks and have been named a Twitch Affiliate. This means that I can monetize even more of my content, which is definitely great after 1) YouTube’s enforcement of COPPA in January 2020, and 2) Google REFUSES to monetize my new domain name…
Around a year ago I decided to take my website off of it’s shared hosting plan and decided to host it myself on my brand new Raspberry Pi 3B+. After a year of realizing how little resources my now dedicated web server was using, I decided to turn it up a notch – host a TwitchPlaysPokemon-Style stream AND host my web server at the same time.
So, people may be wondering how I earn money from doing my various things. Although I’m not a full (nor part) time internet worker, I’ll share with you guys how I make a nice bit of spending money, along with how much I make with each of these...
One of my many job duties is to perform database migrations – translating date from other proprietary databases to our MS SQL database. When the database is first loaded, and a random table is queried, it might be a bit overwhelming looking at the foreign data. Some of the databases I have migrated have been gigabytes in size and some tables contained millions of rows with many columns, so I certainly needed to improve my analysis skills.
So, who/what is this Jerry’s Spiceland? Well, it’s mine. It’s not a new main channel, but rather a secondary channel. It’s purpose will be for all of my memes and content that doesn’t normally belong on my original channel. On this channel expect to see videos that were never before seen from me, like the video...
Noticed anything different about the site? Maybe it’s a bit faster, maybe not In reality, I’ve decided to dump my old hosting provider after 3 years. Why? That’s because my “prepaid” hosting term ended in December, and, overall, I wasn’t fully satisfied with my hosting provider.
So, people may be wondering how I earn money from doing my various things. Although I’m not a full (nor part) time internet worker, I’ll share with you guys how I make a nice bit of spending money, along with how much I make with each of these...
This post was inspired by my recent accomplishment of reaching Affiliate Status on Twitch. To see how I got it, read the article below, otherwise keep reading on how to get your free bits.
If you haven’t watched the video where I discussed my interview with SocialBlade, you can watch it now by checking it out...
Well, when you’re sitting down watching the Pro Bowl, you have to find something to do during the commercials. This was when the idea of doing a short writeup on a fellow content creator that I have worked with.
It all started when my sister asked me one day if she could play GTA and Overwatch on her MacBook Air 2011 . If you were like me, you would’ve laughed and had to explain this to her after: No mainstream game (even Overwatch) would run smoothly on a computer without dedicated graphics...
One thousand subscribers! That means that one thousand people, from all over the world, liked my content so much that they clicked a little button saying they want more from me. That is simply amazing. For some reaching this milestone may have been a walk in the park, and others see this as their life's goal which seems like a mountain. When I first started, I thought I'd probably be in my thirties by the time I reached this goal. Within the past year, however, I thought it would happen sometime towards the end of 2017, or the beginning of 2018...
Some of you of the social media site Twitter may have noticed this lately…
Yup, we screwed it up… In April of 2015, a few high school friends and I started a Twitch Channel called GamerPalooza. It was just something we wanted to do for fun as we finished high school. GP turned out to be successful – very successful. In our first 6 months we gained well over 1,000 followers, and were continuing to grow.
Formerly called the "news" section on the website, I've decided to rename this section to "blog" I ultimately reached this decision when thinking about where I would put certain items that I've yet to publish...